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The imposing Los Nevados National Natural Park is located in the Coffee Region, in the northern volcanic complex formed by the Nevado del Ruiz (with its craters La Olleta and La Piraña), Nevado de Santa Isabel and Nevado del Tolima, and the paramillos del Cisne , Santa Rosa and Quindío. It was created in order to contribute to the conservation of important ecosystems worldwide such as three of the remaining glaciers for the country (Nevado del Ruiz, Nevado de Santa Isabel and Nevado del Tolima), super-paramo and paramo ecosystems, wetlands High Andean and high Andean and Andean forests.
The Park is the heart of the Colombian coffee region. The rivers that descend from its snowy peaks and its moors, irrigate agricultural land and nourish the aqueducts of the cities, towns and paths of the center of the country. The Otún wetland system, located in the Park, was declared a wetland of international importance by the Ramsar Convention.
Conserving water and biological wealth, in harmony with the communities settled in the area of influence and visitors, allows us to have a vision of a better future for all.
Medical aspects to take into account
As it rises in the mountains, the body tries to adapt to the decrease of oxygen, accelerating the heart and respiratory rhythms and increasing the production of red blood cells. These adaptations are necessary to avoid altitude sickness, ranging from nausea and headache, to edema. The low temperatures in the heights demand the use of clothes and suitable footwear to conserve the heat. The sun’s brightness, which is more intense due to radiation and its reflection in the snow, can cause problems in the eyes, so they should be protected. Skin exposed to the sun and icy wind burns quickly and should also be taken care of.
Measures to overcome altitude sickness
Non-profit content obtained from colombia.com y parquesnacionales.gov.co